Summary: This blog has been started to try to capture and share an adventure to Bali, Indonesia, with my brother Todd set for April 17 to May 3, 2017.
Background: In October 2015, I embarked on my first ever trip to Bali -- that solo adventure (including first ever SCUBA diving) and the resulting Bali friendships inspired a second solo trip in October 2016 which I also loved. I had just returned from that second trip, and had already booked a third trip - 3 weeks with Dana in December 2016 - when I decided I wanted to return again in the spring 2017. (Blogs from those prior trips are here: October 2015, October 2016, December 2016.)
Now, in preparing for these Bali trips and my first ever SCUBA diving, my brother Todd, a very experienced SCUBA diver, had been superbly helpful. So in mid-October 2016, I sent an email to Todd with the subject line: "Wild Idea" and inquired as to whether he might ever be interested in traveling to Bali/SE Asia with me to SCUBA -- and within a few weeks, we had coordinated plans and booked flights. This 6-month lead time was perfect for finding affordable airfares that fit within my "wanderlusting cheaply" interests -- and for $600 each (including insurance) we confirmed plans to fly on China Airlines (wikipedia here: largest carrier of the Republic of Taiwan with 12,000+ employees - not to be confused with Air China). This adventure with Todd begins the evening of April 17, 2017 when we head to LAX to catch a 1:10am flight (on the 18th) to Bali with a change of planes in Taipei.
As always, I am not sure how much I will blog but my plan is to at least include photo links here.